LITORY – Tuning Kids for Life

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“Play, as the most important activity for children, facilitates learning, development and discovery of themselves and the world around them. Today, the game in the classical sense is in decline, while at the same time the use of modern technology and screens is growing dramatically. If the use of modern technology is targeted, monitored and within certain limits, it can certainly be positive and stimulating.

Litory is a magical combination of play, learning and entertainment in a modern way. The variety of products Litory offers, from virtual to tangible, serves as a springboard for children to acquire numerous skills and knowledge, and at the same time encourages the child’s development at all levels.

Children get to know many characters while playing, but they also have the opportunity to create their own, unique characters. Through this creative process of creating characters, their appearance and characteristics, children sharpen their creativity and imagination.

By attaching the desired characters to the t-shirt, children develop motor skills and coordination, thus preparing their fingers for writing. By allowing children to choose their own identities in the world of Litory, we enable them to feel accepted and to learn how to accept others; which teaches our children prosocial behavior that leads to social competence and more successful social interactions.

Children will be delighted to read interesting stories about wonderful and inspiring characters such as an angel, a fairy, a dinosaur, an astronaut and many others. Interesting lessons at the end of each story develop the child’s cognitive skills by encouraging him to draw conclusions and connect cause and effect. These stories also develop empathy by allowing children to understand the different feelings the characters have and show.

Also, children’s moral development and ability to judge is encouraged. The focus is on helping others, constructively solving problems, correcting mistakes, gaining self-confidence and getting to know great techniques that help in various emotional states. Litory represents a positive, stimulating and safe environment for the overall development of the child, in which good always wins.”

M.Sc. sc. Kristina Čehil, psychologist

“Litory helps children develop creative thinking and imagination. The ability to choose characters with different visual identities gives children the feeling that they can achieve anything they want. With additional products that offer valuable lessons in moral judgment, Litory offers much more than identifying with the outer qualities of the hero: children can also identify with the character’s inner qualities and choose characters according to their own identity. Children can reflect on themselves, think about their actions and actively participate in their own self-development. Litory encourages a proactive approach, encourages children to make choices, to make decisions about how they should behave and to choose between good and bad options.

Through digitization, Litory strives to globally connect children from different parts of the world. This teaches children about accepting and respecting differences, about making new acquaintances, about self-esteem, about a positive self-image and about positive thinking.”

mag. paed. (pedagogue) Zorana Mijulkov, pedagogue