LITORY – Tuning Kids for Life

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Litory trademark is the property of Little storyland d.o.o.

Litory is the first trademark in the world registered for this type of tool for socio- emotional learning (SEL) through play, which provides children with opportunities to grow up healthier and to build self-confidence and emotional resilience to face the new digital future and life’s challenges – and as such makes magical a combination of play, learning and fun in a modern way.

By using the Litory tool, the child will learn through play how to interact with others, share, negotiate and resolve conflicts. These social interactions are crucial for the development of empathy, cooperation and emotional regulation.

They will also learn to express their thoughts and feelings effectively, foster innovative thinking and problem-solving skills, which are valuable lifelong skills. Litory teaches children how to recognize and manage their emotions, which reduces anxiety and depression by giving them the tools to deal with stressful situations more effectively.

Worldwide, 10% of children (24 million) experience a mental disorder, but the majority of them do not seek help or receive care. Every eighth child in the world faces anxiety or depression. 

Problems with the mental health of children and young people have increased by almost 300% in just one year, and suicide attempts by 280%. Mental health challenges may come about as a reaction to environmental stressors, including trauma, family dysfunction, school issues, and/or experiencing bullying.

Childhood is critical stage of life for mental health. This is a time when rapid growth and development take place in the brain. The consequences of not addressing mental health and psychosocial development for children extend to adulthood and limit opportunities for leading fulfilling lives. A large number of children do not need the help of a psychiatrist, but the support of well-educated professionals and parents. Parents can improve wellbeing of their children with the right support. During childhood is when cognitive and social-emotional skills are developed.  These are essential for future mental health and for assuming adult roles in society. Social and emotional learning (SEL) is highly beneficial in preventing kid’s mental health issues and to tackle bullying by providing them with the necessary skills to manage their emotions, build healthy relationships, manage conflict constructively and make responsible decisions. Our mission is to spread the most fun socio-emotional tool Litory through play with children and parents around the world, to create a more beautiful place under the sun for all of us. A world where we will be emotionally resilient, with full confidence and empathy, able to walk through life more freely and with more love.

Welcome to the magical Litory land – a place where little stories create big worlds!

Little storyland Ltd, Sutlanske doline 29, 10 293 Dubravica, Hrvatska

Reg. no.: 5039681. TAX ID: 76598052255